This blog is recommended for 18+ due to the books that are shown.

Weekly Update 2/25-3/3

by - Thursday, March 01, 2018

What's New This Week

Make sure to join us today from 7-8PM CST when Jenna Lee takes over the group.

Lily Harlem has moved forward to the date on Breakaways. It's now releasing 3/7!

Also LJ Swallow changed her release date for Descent to 3/2!

So a couple things I learned this week, Nikki Bolvair's Faith Series is now in KU!! Also Rebecca Royce, who recently moved most of her Wings of Artemis books into KU, has now added the first two books in KU as well.

Those who have been waiting on Forbidden by Jessica Sorenson, yea the date changed AGAIN. I'll let you know whenever I know something. Her Chasing Magic was also supposed to release this week and has been changed to 5/22.

***Cece Rose had to pull down Blood Sea this morning and is working on getting it back up. Will have the correct link posted as soon as it's there.**

Books That Released/Are Releasing This Week

Mercy's Protectors by AM Hardin ~ Last week but I missed it :)

Make sure you keep up with us on the FB blog page.

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